Tycho Audio Samples


Here you'll find audio samples of Tycho's beautifully rhythmic diesel engine running at various rpm's for you to download for free.

We've shared these samples in the hope that they will inspire you to get creative with the many different engine sounds and encourage you to use them in your recordings!

Below you'll find an example track we've created with the engine acting as part of the rhythm section and driving force behind the song. You may recognise it as the outro music to our YouTube sessions.

We would love to hear what you create, so be sure to send any of your musical creations to info@towpathproductions.co.uk, or tag us @towpathproductions on Instagram in your posts on social media.

Tycho was built in May 1936 by W . J . Yarwood & Sons of Northwich as part of an ambitious expansion scheme. You can read more about the construction and history of Tycho on our boats page.




Your Creations.

